Palm oil is one of the most common ingredients in the food industry, present in a wide range of products, from cookies, chocolates, cereals... to ready-made food. However, behind their ubiquity on store shelves and in our daily foods lie health and environmental concerns. Therefore, in this blog, we tell you the benefits of avoiding palm oil in all our products and how this choice can have a positive impact on our planet and our own health.


Environmental conservation

One of the most obvious benefits of avoiding palm oil is contribution to environmental conservation. Palm oil production often involves deforestation of rainforests, what it has serious consequences for biodiversity and ecological balance. By choosing products without palm oil, we reduce the demand for this industry, thus contributing to the preservation of forests and wildlife.

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Deforestation and converting land for plantations oil palm release large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change. By avoiding palm oil, we help reduce these emissions, which is essential to curb global warming and its impacts.

Protection of biodiversity

The expansion of oil palm plantations often leads to the loss of natural habitats y al displacement of native species. By not consuming foods with palm oil, we support the conservation of biodiversity by reducing the degradation of ecosystems and the extinction of species.

Health improvement

Many products containing palm oil are also rich in saturated fat, which are associated with a increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. By avoiding these foods, you can improve your cardiovascular health and reduce your risk of long-term health problems.

Avoid trans fats

There Partial hydrogenation of palm oil to create trans fats may be harmful to health. By choosing foods without palm oil, you are also reducing your intake of trans fats, which have been linked to heart disease and other health problems.

Support for sustainable agriculture

By preferring products without palm oil, you are promoting more sustainable agricultural practices, such as organic farming and the production of alternative vegetable oils that do not cause significant environmental damage.

Promotion of corporate responsibility

The demand for foods without palm oil motivates companies to look for sources of sustainable palm oil o a explore greener alternatives. Your choice as a consumer can influence company practices and promote corporate responsibility.

Choosing foods without palm oil is a conscious decision that can have a significant impact on the environment and in your personal health. By making this choice, you contribute to forest conservation, to the reduction of CO2 emissions and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Plus, you're protecting your own health by avoiding saturated fats and trans fats. As awareness of palm oil issues grows, more and more people are opting for more sustainable and healthy foods. Your choice counts and can make a difference for a healthier and more sustainable future.

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